102.1 State the three objectives of first aid.

Save life, prevent further injury, and prevent infection.

102.2 State the methods of controlling bleeding.

102.3 Identify an example of a pressure point.

Bleeding can often be temporarily controlled by applying hand pressure to the appropriate pressure point. A pressure point is a place where a main artery to the injured part lies near the skin surface and over a bone. Apply pressure to this point with the fingers or with the heel of the hand.

There are 11 principal points on each side of the body.

102.4 Describe the symptoms and treatment for shock.

102.5 Describe the three classifications of burns.

102.6 State the symptoms and treatment for the following heat related injuries:

102.7 State the difference between an "open" and "closed" fracture.

102.8 State the following as applied to electric shock:

102.9 Describe the methods for clearing an obstructed airway.

Obstruction in the upper airway or throat is often caused by attempting to chew food and talk at the same time. One of the most reliable indications of an airway obstruction is the victim's inability to talk. Other indicators include grasping and pointing to the throat, exaggerated breathing efforts, and the skin turning a bluish color. Your first action upon encountering a victim with this problem is to clear the mouth of any food particles, foreign objects, or loose dentures. If not effective use one of the following methods:

Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms around the victim's waist. Grasp your wrist and place the thumb side of your fist against the victim's abdomen, above the navel and just below the rib cage. Give 4 quick upward thrusts to the victim. (It is recommended 4 thrusts by the American Heart Association and 5 recommended by the American Red Cross). The obstruction should pop out like a cork. If unsuccsssful, repeat until the obstruction is dislodged.

Reclining Abdominal thrusts are used if the victim is laying down. Position yourself for the thrust by either straddling the victim at the hips, straddling one leg, or kneeling at the hips. Place your hands one on top of the other in the area between the lower end of the sternum (breast bone) and the navel, and give 4 quick upward thrusts into the abdomen. (5 thrusts recommended by American Red Cross and 4 thrusts recommended by American Heart Assoc.)

102.10 Describe the effects of the following cold weather injuries:

For questions or comments contact:

AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King


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