Welcome to C-130 Specific PQS questions and answers tutorial.
This study guide was designed to aid instructors and students alike.
All of the questions were answered from instructions and directives found in NAVEDTRA, Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS), Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist (EAWS), Unit Specific for C-130 aircraft.
Original study material was provided by VR-53, NAF Washington DC, and corrected, updated, and rewritten for clarity and content, by
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King.

Good luck and study hard!

LAST UPDATED: 05 October 2012

C-130 EAWS Sections Links

101: Safety Fundamentals

102: Training and Readiness Fundamentals

103: Aircraft Capabilities Fundamentals

104: Airframes/Engine/Fuel Fundamentals

105: Avionics/Electrical Fundamentals

106: Emergency Equipment Fundamentals

107: Operational Fundamentals

108: Aircraft Handling/Line Operations Fundamentals

201: Airframe System

202: Engine System

203: Avionics/Eletrical Systems

204: Warfare Mission Area

For questions, comments, changes to this website, or aircrew information, please contact:

AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King

AME1(AW/NAC) Mason

Other EAWS Related Sites:

King's Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist (EAWS)Core Tutorial

King's Strange Navy and Sea Tales

King's Aircrew Resource Page
Aircraft and flight reference page with lots of useful Aviation related links for beginners to instructors. A must for aircrewmen!

United States Navy

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