108.1 Define the term aircraft handling.
108.2 State the purpose of standard aircraft taxi signals.
108.3 State the vehicle speed limits on the flight line and around the aircraft.
108.4 State the maximum towing speed of an aircraft.
108.5 Name the 4 categories of tie down requirements.
108.6 State the purpose of the emergency shore based recovery equipment.
108.7 State the purpose of the MA-1A overrun barrier.
108.8 State the minimum personal protective equipment required on the flight line and ramp areas during the following operations:
b. Flight operations
a. Cranial
b. Jersey, with the appropriate color as noted by the position of the individual; i.e. Plane Captains wear brown jerseys.
c. Goggles
d. Sound attenuators
e. Flight deck shoes
f. Flotation gear
g. Survival light
h. Whistle
108.9 Identify the safety hazard areas associated with the following:
b. Exhaust (engine and APU)
c. Propellers
Personnel should NOT approach or depart an aircraft with the propellers turning. Personnel should walk well around the propeller area at all times.d. Rotor blades
Personnel should NOT approach or depart a helicopter while the rotors are being engaged or disengaged.e. Hot brakes
Never face the side of the wheel, as an explosion of the wheel will follow the line of the axle, which may be outboard depending on the landing gear configuration. Always approach the wheel from fore or aft, never from the side.
108.10 Explain the significance of:
a. Runway numbering system
b. Treshold markings
Runways 200 feet wide have 10 stripes marking the landing threshold, each 12 feet wide by 150 feet long. For runways that are less than 200 feet wide, the markings cover the width of the runway less 20 feet on both sides. These markings designate the landing area.c. Airfield lighting system
Procedures for the operation of airport lighting are in FAA Handbook 7110.65. Operation of the airport lighting at controlled airports is normally the responsibility of the tower. When the airfield is closed, all associated lighting is shut down with the following exceptions:
1. Navigable airspace obstruction lights
2. Rotating beacons used as a visual orientation aid in a metropolitian area.
Airport lighting systems are standardized by the Air Force, Navy, and FAA to present a uniform and unmistakable appearance. These standards specify the location, spacing, and color of lighting components in use.
d. Runway/Taxiway marking system
Runway lights are installed to provide visual guidance at night under low-visibility conditions during aircraft takeoff and landing operations. Taxiway lights are blue. Their spacing is variable. Two blue lights, called entrance-exit lights, are spaced 5 feet apart and are placed on each side of a taxiway entrance to or exit from a runway or parking area. The taxi lights are turned on as soon as the pilot of an aircraft is cleared to taxi out. They are turned off when the the aircraft is on the runway or another taxiway. For inbound aircraft, they are turned on as the aircraft approaches the taxiway and turned off when the aircraft is parked.e. Arm/dearm areas
An area where ordnance is changed from a state of a safe condition to a state of readiness and vice versa. All evolutions are conducted using the individual stores loading manual/checklist. The area ahead of or behind and/or surrounding the aircraft shall be kept clear until all weapons/ordnance are completely safe. When aircraft are being taxied from the landing area to the dearm area, care must be taken to minimize exposure of the armed ordnance to personnel and equipment.f. Overrun area
Provides a reasonably effective deceleration area for aborting or overshooting aircraft. The area may also serve as an emergency all-weather access for fire-fighting, crash, and rescue equipment. Some are paved and some have yellow chevrons across them. An area with this type marking is a nontouchdown area for aircraft.g. Parking apron
Required for parking, servicing, and loading aircraft. They are connected to the runways by taxiways or tow ways. Parking sizes are based on the type and number of aircraft to be parked and requirement for squadron integrity.108.11 Explain the purpose of the following:
b. Airfield rotating beacon
When the airport is below VFR weather conditions, the airport rotating beacon is used to identify the airport's location during darkness and daylight hours. Rotation is in a clockwise direction when viewed from above. The beacon is always rotated at a constant speed, which produces the visual effect of flashes at regular intervals. The flashing rate is 12 to 15 flashes per minute.c. Tower visual communications
A coordination device between the radar controller and the control tower. Visual communication provides a sequence of lights and switches that supplement other circuits on the interphone system and serve to reduce the number of voice contacts between the tower and radar controller.
d. Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) system
e. Crash/rescue
Within the ship damage control organization is the Crash, Salvage, and Rescue Team. This team is the flight deck repair team. From its station in the island structure it serves to effect rescue of personnel from damaged aircraft on the flight deck, clear away wreckage, fight fires on and make minor emergency repairs to the flight deck and associated equipment.f. Compass calibration pad
A paved area in a magnetically quiet area where the aircraft compass is calibrated. A minimum of one area is provided at each airport.g. Liquid Oxygen (LOX) exchange area
A designated area which is used for the servicing of aircraft which require Liquid Oxygen (LOX). Liquid Oxygen is a light blue liquid that flows like water and is extremely cold (-297 degrees F). It has an expansion rate of 860 to 1. It is a strong oxidizer and vigorously supports combustion. The area must be kept free of flammable or combustible materials such as wood, cloth, paper, oil, or kerosine.
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AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King