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109.1 State the primary mission of the
following aviation communities: a. HCHelicopter Combat Support - Rotary Wing They perform duties such as plane guard, sea-air rescue, mail delivery, and personnel transfer Aircraft: H-1, H-3, C-HH-46D, CH-53E b. HCS Helicopter Combat Support Special Squadron- Rotary Wing Provides dedicated deployable combat rescue detachments in support of aircraft carrier and amphibious operations for quick reaction contingencies. Aircraft: HH-60H c. HM Helicopter Mine Countermeasures - Rotary Wing Provides aerial mine hunting and minesweeping by deploying into and towing through the water, sleds designed to detect or clear minefields. Aircraft: CH/RH-53, MH-53 d. HS Helicopter Antisubmarine - Rotary Wing Used for carrier based anti-submarine warfare, plane guard, search and rescue and logistics. RegNav flies the SH-60F Oceanhawk and reserves fly the SH-3H Sea King. Aircraft: SH-3, SH-60F e. HSL
Helicopter Antisubmarine Light Fly smaller helicopters from ships such as DDG's or FFG's. They also perform search and rescue and logistics. RegNav flies SK-60B Seahawk and reserves flies SH-2G Sea Sprite. Aircraft: SH-2G, SK-60B f. HT Helicopter Training Provides basic and advanced training of student Naval Aviators in rotary wing aircraft. Aircraft: TH-57 g. VAQ Tactical Electronic Warfare - Fixed Wing Tactically exploits, surpresses, degrades and decieves enemy electromagineic defensive and offensive systems including communication, in support of air strike and fleet operations. The EA-6B Prowler is used from carriers and EP-3A is land based. Aircraft: EA-6B, EA-7, EP-3A h. VAW Carrier Airborne Early Warning - Fixed Wing Carrier based and provide early warning against weather, missiles, shipping and aircraft. Aircraft: E-2C i. VC Fleet Composite - Fixed Wing Perform duties such as utility and air services for the fleet such as simulations and target towing. Aircraft: TA-4J, S/UH-3A, CH-53E, VP-3A j. VF
Fighter - Fixed Wing Fighter squadrons are used against aircraft and ground installations to defend surface units. They escort attack aircraft and give close air support to landing forces. They use maximum firepower with speed. Aircraft: F-14, F-16N, T-38 k. VFA Strike Fighter - Fixed Wing Employed for both fighter and attack missions. Aircraft: F/A-18 l. VMFA Marine Fighter Attack - Fixed Wing Marine Corps Strike Fighter squadrons employed for both fighter and attack missions. Aircraft: F/A-18, AV-8B m. VP Patrol - Fixed Wing Land based squadrons that perform anti-submarine warfare, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, reconnaissance and mining. Aircraft: P-3 n. VQ Fleet Air Reconnaissance - Fixed Wing Electronic warfare support including search for, interception, recording, and analysis of radiated electromagnetic energy. Selected squadrons serve as elements of the Worldwide Airborne Command Post System and provide communications relay services. ES-3, EP-3, E-6, EC-130 o. VR Logistics Support - Fixed Wing Transport of personnel and supplies. Aircraft: C-9, C-12, C-20, CT-39, C-130, C-131 p. VRC Carrier Logistics Support - Fixed Wing Transports personnel and supplies including carrier onboard delivery aircraft such as the C-2 Greyhound or US-3 Aircraft: C-2, US-3 q. VS Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare - Fixed Wing Perform surface search and sea control. Referred to as "Sea Control" squadrons even though their letter designation is VS. Note: As of 1998 VS no longer is employed in the ASW role. Aircraft: S-3 r. VT Training - Fixed Wing Provide basic and advanced training for student naval aviators and flight officers. Aircraft: T-2, TA-4, T-34, T-44, T-47, T-45 s. VX/VXE
VX - Air Test and Evaluation - Fixed Wing Tests and evaluates the operational capabilities of new aircraft and equipment in an operational environment. They develop tactic and doctrines for their most effective use. Aircraft: A4M/T, TA-4J, A-6, AV-8, F/A-18A/B, S-3A/B, P-3A/C, UH-1N, AH-1J/T/W, SH-2F, SH-3H, SH-60B/F, OV-10A/D VXE - Antarctic Development - Fixed Wing Supports operation Deep Freeze. Aircraft: LC-130, UH-1H 109.2 Identify the mission of the following naval aircraft: Click on the aircraft for details and pictures: a. AV-8 Harrier
- Fighter attackb. C-130 Hercules
- Logistics support c. C-2 Greyhound
- Carrier logistics support d. C-20
- Logistics support e. C-9 Sky Train
- Logistics support f. EA-6B Prowler
- Tactical electronic warfare g. E-2 Hawkeye
- Airborne early warning h. C-12 Huron
- Logistics support i. E-6 Mercury
- Fleet air reconnaissance j. F/A-18 Hornet
- Fighter/attack k. F-14 Tomcat
- Fighterl. H-2 Seasprite
- Helicopter antisubmarine light m. H-3 Sea King
- Helicopter antisubmarine n. H-46 Sea Knight
- Helicopter combat support o. H-53 Sea Stallion
- Helicopter mine countermeasures p. SH-60B Seahawk
- Helicopter antisubmarine lightq. SH-60F Oceanhawk
- Helicopter Anti-Submarine r. HH-60H Seahawk
- Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) and Special Warfare (SpecWar) Support s. P-3 Orion
- Patrol t. S-3 Viking
- Carrier antisubmarine warfare u. TA-4 Sky Hawk
- Training v. T-2 Buckeye
- Training w. T-45 Goshawk
- Training x. UH-1N Iroquois
Helicopter combat supporty. T-34 Mentor
- Trainingz. T-44 Pegasus - Training aa. F-5 Tiger II
- Fighter bb. AH-1 Cobra
- Helicopter combat support
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