(PLEASE NOTE: Photo links are listed below)
a. AE - Ammunition Ship
They operate with replenishment groups to deliver ammunition and missiles to ships at sea. These ships are handle all types of missiles. They carry two H-46 helicopters for vertical replenishment and support.
b. AO/AOE - Oilers/Oiler and Ammunition Support Ships
AO: These ships carry fuel, jet fuel, and other petroleum products. They operate with replenishment groups adn deliver their cargo to ships at sea. They can service from both sides of the ship simultaneously.
Replenishment at sea enables the fleet to remain at sea and to make successive strikes without returning to base for fuel, ammunition, or supplies.
AOE: The largest and most powerful auxiliary ship in the Navy. AOE ships carry missiles, fuel, ammunition and general cargo. They can also carry refrigerated cargo and supplies. They carry two H-46 helicopters for vertical replenishment and support.
c. CG - Guided Missile Cruiser
These ships serve provide protection against surface and air attacks, and gunfire support for land operations. They have a large cruising range and are capable of speeds over 30 knots. Some cruisers are capable of conducting antiair warfare, antisubmarine warfare, and antisurface ship warfare at the same time. They carry a LAMPS Mk III SH-60B helicopter.
d. CV/CVN - Carrier/Nuclear Powered Carrier
Carriers are designed to carry, launch, retrieve and handle combat aircraft quickly and efficiently. It can approach the enemy at high speed, launch planes, recover them, and retire before its position can be determined. Attack carriers are excellent long-range offensive weapons and are the center of the modern naval task force or task group.
CV's use boilers for their power plant, while CVN's use nuclear reactors.
There are currently 12 aircraft carriers. One, the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, is under construction. All but 3 are nuclear powered. These include the John F. Kennedy, U.S.S. Constellation, and Kitty Hawk. CV's use boilers for propulsion.
e. DD/DDG - Destroyer/Guided Missile Destroyer
Multipurpose ships used in any kind of naval operation. Fast ships with a large variety of armament and little or no armor. They depend on their speed and mobility for protection. They operate offensively and defensively against subs and surface ships. They can take defensive action against air assaults. They provide gunfire support for amphibious assaults. They can preform patrol, search and rescue missions, if needed. They can accomodate two SH-60B or 2 SH2G helicopters.
f. FFG - Guided Missile Frigates
Frigates are used for open-ocean escort and patrol. They resemble destroyers in appearance, but are slower, have only a single screw, and carry less armament. They can carry two SH-60B helicopters.
g. LCC - Amphibious Command Ship
Provides accomodations and command and communication facilities for various commanders and their staffs. They can serve as a command ship for an amphibious task force, landing force, and air support commanders during amphibious operations. They are the most modern and capable command facilities afloat.
h. LHA - Amphibious Assault Ship
These ships are able to embark, deploy, and land a Marine battalion landing team by helicopters, landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and combinations of these methods. They are versatile and combine the same features of the Amphibious Assault ship (LPH), Amphibious Transport Dock (LPD), Amphibious Cargo Ship (LKA), and Dock Landing Ship (LSD) in a single ship.
i. LHD - Amphibious Warfare Ship
They are designed based on that of an Amphibious Assault Ship, but are intended to be convertible from an Assault Ship to an Anti-submarine Warfare ship with Harrier fighters for ground assault.
j. LPD - Amphibious Transport Dock
Combines the features of a Dock Landing Ship (LSD), with the features of an Amphibious Assault Ship (LPH). They can transport troops and equipment in the same ship. It has facilities for 8 helicopters.
These are among the largest amphibious ships in the world.
They are primary landing ships, resembling small aircraft carriers, designed to put troops on hostile shores.
k. LPH - Amphibious Assault Ship
See below item letter (n.)
l. LSD - Dock Landing Ship
See below item letter (o.)
m. MCS - Mine Countermeasures Support Ship
See below item letter (p.)
n. LPH - Amphibious Assault Ship (Helicopter)
Designed to embark, transport, and land 1,800 troops and their equipment via transport helicopterss in conjunction with a beach assault. They can also assist with antisubmarine warfare.
o. LSD - Dock Landing Ship
Dock Landing Ships support amphibious operations including landings via Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC), conventional landing craft and helicopters, onto hostile shores.
In order to launch craft, the LSD must have the well flooded for the craft to move out on their own power. It has one CH-53 helicopter landing spot.
p. MCS - Mine Countermeasures Support Ship
They provide command, control and support ship for mine countermeasures operations.
There is only one of these in the naval inventory - the USS Inchon.
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King