113.2 Explain general aircraft prestart precautions.
b. Where applicable, intake screens shall be installed on jet aircraft.
c. Prior to starting jet engines, intakes and surrounding ground/deck shall be inspected to eliminate the possibility of Foreign Object Damage (FOD).
d. When an engine is started by nonpilot personnel for testing and warmup purposes on aircraft other than transport and patrol class equipped with parking brakes, the plane shall be tied down.
e. Whenever an engine is started, personnel with adequate fire extinguishing equipment, if available, shall be stationed in the immediate vicinity of the engine but safely clear of intakes or propellers.
113.3 State the meaning of the following terms as they apply to NATOPS:
a. Warning
b. Caution
An operating procedure, practice, or condition, etc., that may result in damage to equipment if not carefully observed or followed.c. Note
An operating procedure, practice, or condition, etc., that must be emphasized.d. Shall
Means a procedure that is mandatory.e. Should
Means a procedure that is recommended.f. May
"May" and "need not" mean procedure is optional.g. Will
Indicates futurity and never indicates any degree of requirement for application of a procedure.
113.4 State the purpose of a NATOPS evaluation.
113.5 State the purpose of the naval Flight Records Subsystem (NAVFLIRS).
Data collected includes:
1. A statistical description of the flight pertaining to the aircraft and crewmembers.
2. A record of all logistic actions performed during the flight.
3. A record of weapons proficiency.
4. A record of training areas utilized and other miscellaneous data.
113.7 Explain the aircraft visual identification system for the following Type Commanders (TYCOMs):
The visual identification system for naval aircraft provides for the assignment of aircraft markings and side numbers that identify aircraft of one unit from those of another using unit identification assigned by the CNO. The system provides a means of rapid identification of Navy and marine aircraft that is simple, flexible, and readily adaptable to expansion in the event of mobilization.
Aircraft use the last 3 or 4 digits of their BUNO or aircraft number, as their side number or tail number.
Side numbers and colors they are painted in are based on unit type. For example, VAQ use maroon. HS use magneta, and VS use dark green.
a. COMNAVAIRLANT - Commander, Naval Air Force US Atlantic Fleet
The first character shall be "A through M"; second character "A through Z".
In the photo, for example, the number "5160", is the last 4 numbers of the aircraft Buno number. The letter "C" of "CW" on the tail, indicates the command is an Atlantic Fleet Group.
b. COMNAVAIRPAC - Commander, Naval Air Force US Pacific Fleet
The first character shall be "N through Z";
second character "A through Z".
Note in the photo, the letters "RX",
on the tail, indicating this is a Pacific Fleet based squadron.
c. CNATRA - Commander, Naval Air Training Command
Ther first character shall be "A through G"; there is no second character.
Note in the photo the single letter on the aircraft's tail, indicating it is affiliated with a Training Command.
King's (Core) EAWS Tutorial |
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King