a. Commanding Officer (CO)
The duties and responsibilities of the Commanding Officer are established by U.S.Navy Regulations, general orders, customs, and tradition. The authority of the Commanding Officer is commensurate with his responsibility, subject to the limitations prescribed by law and U.S. Navy regulations. The CO is ultimately responsible for those under his or her command and their actions.
b. Executive Officer (XO)
Is the direct representative of the Commanding Officer. The XO is primarily responsible for the organization, performance of duty, and good order and discipline of the entire command. All orders issued by him will have the same force and effect as though issued by the CO.
c. Command Master Chief/Senior/Chief
Is the enlisted advisor to the command on the formulation and implementation of policies pertinent to morale, welfare, job satisfaction, discipline, utilization and training of all enlisted personnel.
d. Department Head
Is the representative of the CO in matters pertaining to the department. All persons assigned to the department will be subordinate to him and all orders issued by him will accordingly be obeyed by them.
e. Command Managed Equal Opportunity Officer(CMEO)/Equal Opportunity Program Specialist(EOPS)
Provides equal opportunity training to the command. This includes the education and emphasis on giving equal opportunity to all members regardless of race, creed, or religious preference.
f. Division Officer
Is responsible under the Department Head, for the duties assigned to the division and for the conduct of subordinates, following regulations and orders of the Commanding Officer and other superiors.
g. Leading Chief Petty Officer(LCPO)/Leading Petty Officer(LPO)
The CPO and LPO designated by the Division Officer. Normally will be the senior CPO/LPO in the division. The LCPO assists the Division Officer in administering, supervising, and training division personnel. The LPO will assist the LCPO and Division Officer.
h. Work Center Supervisor
His or her primary job is to respond to the hour-by-hour work center functions. This requires constant communication throughout the chain of command. The W/C supervisor is responsible for the personnel under his supervision.
i. Command Career Counselor
Runs the ship or squadron's career counseling program, and makes sure that current programs and opportunities are available to all crew members.
j. Ombudsman
The Ombudsman is the link between the command and families of command personnel. The CO appoints the Ombudsman after consultations with various advisors. The Ombudsman performs varied services, such as keeping the CO informed about family morale and problems families are facing. They assist families needing different services.
k. Financial Specialist
Provide financial counseling to members in their command. This may include budgets, financial planning, investment opportunities, debt consolidation, etc.
l. Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor(DAPA)
Advises the CO/XO on drug and alcohol abuse aboard ship and the approaches necessary to cope effectively with the problem. He or she will also coordinate Navy policies and procedures on drug and alcohol education, rehabilitation, identification, and enforcement.
m. Security Manager
Keeps the CO/XO advised as to all matters of security. Works in close relation with Squadron Duty Officers and the entire duty section.
n. Career Information Program Management(CIPM) Program Manager
Provide career information to the squadron, work centers, and divisions. They act as divisional career counselors.
114.2 Discuss the purpose and general rules for the following types of counseling:
a. Personnel
There are times when a person has special problems that will require special help. These problems should be handled by specialists such as the chaplin, legal, and/or medical officer. Effective personal counseling will recognize situations in which referral is necessary. Your first duty in counseling is to recognize whether the problem is beyond your ability to help or not. This can be determined during counseling.
b. Performance
Counsel your personnel on a regular basis to let them know how they are doing and where they need to improve.
114.3 Describe the effects of enlisted evaluations on the following:
The basis for determining the type of discharge received by the member is called the type discharge. Honorable requires at least an average of 2.7, conduct 3.0 average, otherwise a "general" discharge is awarded.
b. Advancement
Single most important factor in determining who will be selected for advancement. Eval marks are as follows:
4.0 = Early Promote
3.8 = Must Promote
3.6 = Promotable
3.4 = Progressing
2.0 = Significant Problems
c. Good conduct awards
There can be no performance mark below 2.0 in any trait subsequent to, (after), 1 January 1996.
The member can have no convictions by court martial, no prior Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), and no civil convictions or offenses involving moral turpitude (shameful acts).
The award is given every 3 years. Before 1996, the award was given for every 4 years service.
d. Eligibility for reenlistment
A member with marks under 3.0 will not normally be able to reenlist. Decision weights on the discretion of the CO.
e. Assignment
Certain assignments require good evaluations. Some of these assignments may be Instructor duty, Recruit Company Commander, Formal Schools, etc. However, an overall 3.0 average is required and approval is at the discretion of Naval Military Personnel Command (NMPC).
114.4 Explain the use of the following:
The principal means by which commanders communicate is the Naval message. Messages are written thoughs, ideas, or information expressed briefly and to the point. It is transmitted electronically to avoid delays to that of the normal mailing system.
b. E-mail
The method of corresponding electronically by computers. E-mail can be used within individual activities and between activities.
114.5 Explain the purpose of the following message components:
Includes the date and time expressed in Greenwich Mean Time. The DTG is expressed in 6 digits. The first 2 digits being the day. The next 4 digits being the time, followed by a zone suffix, usually expressed in Zulu, or Greenwich time. The last part is the date and year.
For a message that is sent out on 31 October 1998 at 0800 Zulu time, the DTG would be as follows: 310800ZOCT98.
b. From line
The first line of the address component and contains the originator or drafter's plain language address. Note: a message MUST have only ONE originator.
c. To line
Contains the address of the person or command who the message is going to.
d. Info line
Contains the addresses of those who you would like to look at or send the message for information purposes.
e. Classification/declassification line
The first line of text which must give the message's classification. It is listed as Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential.
f. Standard Subject Identification Code(SSIC)
The 4 or 5 digit number that stands for the subject of a document. SSIC's are required on all Navy and Marine Corps messages. The use of SSIC's provides a tested method for filing correspondence documents consistently and retrieving them quickly. There are 14 SSIC groups dealing with particular subjects.
Example, the "1000" series deals with personnel matters.
Instruction example: SECNAVINST 1650.1G is the Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual. This Instruction deals with personnel issues or matters. So any instruction, pub, letter, that is between 1000 and 1999, deals with personnel matters.
Other SSIC sections are as follows:
1000-1999: Military Personnel
2000-2999: Telecommunications
3000-3999 Operations and Readiness
4000-4999 Logistics
5000-5999 General Admin and Management
6000-6999 Medicine and Denistry
7000-7999 Financial Management
8000-8999 Ordinance Material
9000-9999 Ship Design and Material
10000-10999 General Material
11000-11999 Facilities and Activities Ashore
12000-12999 Civilian Personnel
13000-13999 Aero/Astronautical Material
16000-16999 Coast Guard Missions
g. Subject line
The main topic of the message is listed here. These are always written in capital letters.
h. Passing instructions
Navy automated message processing system relay for the most part on certain elements at the beginning of the text such as flagwords, codewords, subject lines, and outgoing or incoming message references. These guides assist in the automatic internal routing of messages.
i. Reference line
An alternative to repeating lengthy reference material within the text of a message. References are always lettered and used in the order that they are referred to. They are written:
"As per reference (a), ....."
j. Amplifying information line
Used to amplify or supplement the data text.
k. Narrative information line
Used to provide amplifying information which pertains to the data text.
l. Text
That part of the message known as the "body" or that part which contains the thought or idea the drafter desires to communicate; the reason for the existence of all other parts of the message.
114.6 Explain what each of the following enlisted service record pages are and what entries are made on each:
a. Page 2
Record of Emergency Data; Used as a reference for beneficiary data should the servicemember die while on active or reserve duty.
b. Page 4
Enlisted Qualifications History, for enlisted members. It is a chronological history of occupational and training related qualifications, awards, and commendations. Entries should made as events occur.
c. Page 13
Administrative Remarks; Serves as a chronological record of significant miscellaneous entries which are not provided for elsewhere or where detailed information may be required to clairify entries elsewhere in the service record.
114.7 State the purpose and discuss the contents of the Enlisted Distribution Verification Report(EDVR).
114.8 Explain the use of a Report and Disposition of Offense(s)(NAVPERS Form 1626/7).
114.9 Discuss the purpose of the following:
Used by any unit to provide the National Comand Authorities (NCA) and appropriate naval commanders with immediate notification of any accidential or unauthorized incident involving a possible detonation of a nuclear weapon which could create the risk of outbreak of nuclear war. This message has the highest precedence.
b. Movement Report(MOVEREP)
A MOVREP is the primary source of location information concerning ships. A properly filed MOVREP will assist the chain of command all the way up to National Command Authority in the knowledge of locations/tracks/destinations of all vessels for emergency or operational use. Movement Report Centers and Movement Report Offices are part of the movement report systems. Their task is to account for all ship and command movements.
c. Logistical Requirements(LOGREQ)
A LOGREQ is submitted by a ship prior to entering a port to notify the proper commands of its logistics requirements while visiting that particular port. It should be transmitted to arrive at the destination port no later than 48 hours prior to the ship's arrival.
d. Status of Requirement and Training Support(SORTS)
Reports the ship's status of conditions of readiness in all warfare areas in our ability to conducr operations.
e. Situation Report(SITREP)
Used by any unit commanding officer, officer-in-charge, or other commander to provide appropriate operational commanders and higher authority with timely notification for any incident not meeting OPREP-3 special incident reporting criteria. Submitted: When directed, when considered appropriate, when bomb threats have been evaluated as a hoax, when reporting violent crime, including assault, robbery, abuse, etc by active or dependent personnel, discrimination or sexual harassment, and incidents of suicide or attempted suicide.
King's (Core) EAWS Tutorial |
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King