The aircraft maintenance department supports naval operations by the upkeep of aircraft and associated Support Equipment (SE) to the assigned level of maintenance. This support is accomplished by complying with the NAMP. Principles of the NAMP are found in volumn 1 of the OPNAVINST 4790.2 series. Since all maintenance activities have similarities in mission, operation, and administration, these areas have standardized organization and administration. The NAMP helps to standardize operations of any naval aviation command. The Chief of Naval Operations is in charge of the NAMP.
115.2 State the titles and briefly describe the five volumes of the NAMP:
(Editor's Note: The NAMP is now consolidated into one large volume divided by chapters. The following answer is for that change. The NAMP consolidated into one volume 15 Feb 2008)
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Guide for Using the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) Instruction, Overview of the NAMP, and Organization for Naval Aviation Maintenance
Chapter 2 - Aircraft Controlling Custodians (ACCs) and Type Wing and Carrier Air Wing (CVW)
Chapter 3 - Maintenance Concepts, Programs, and Processes; Maintenance Unit Department; Division Organization; Manpower Management, and Aviation Officers
Chapter 4 - Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS) Maintenance and Supply Activity Organization
Chapter 5 - Maintenance Control, Production Control, and Maintenance Material/Control; and Aircraft Logbook (Paper), Reports, and Configuration Management (CM) Auto Log-sets (ALSs)
Chapter 6 - Production Divisions; Work Center Supervisor; Maintenance Training; and Training, Special Process Certification and Licensing
Chapter 7 - Quality Assurance (QA) Division and Quality Programs
Chapter 8 - Airborne Mine Countermeasures (AMCM) Systems Maintenance Department
Chapter 9 - Material Management
Chapter 10 - Naval Aviation Maintenance Program Standard Operating Procedures (NAMPSOPs)
Chapter 11 - Contractor Maintenance, Commercial Derivative Aircraft Maintenance Programs, and Aspects of Aeronautical Weapons System Acquisition
Chapter 12 - Classification of Commander, Fleet Readiness Center (COMFRC) and Fleet Readiness Center (FRC) Organization; In-Service Support Center (ISSC) Functions; Production Planning and Management; and NAVAIR Depot Maintenance System (NDMS)
Chapter 13 - Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) and Naval Tactical Command Support System (NTCSS) Optimized Organizational Maintenance Activity (OMA) NALCOMIS Data Collection System Center (NDCSC)
Chapter 14 - Introduction to the Maintenance Data System (MDS), MDS Reports, and MDS Analysis
Chapter 15 - Organizational Level (O-Level) Maintenance Data System (MDS) Functions, Responsibilities and Source Document Procedures
Chapter 16 - Intermediate Level (I-Level) Maintenance Data System (MDS) Functions, Responsibilities and Source Document Procedures
Chapter 17 - Subsystem Capability and Impact Reporting (SCIR)
Appendix A - Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions
Appendix B - Forms and Reports
Appendix C - Directives and Publications
Appendix D - Local Command Procedures
115.3 Describe the three levels of aviation maintenance:
Maintenance which is performed by an operating unit on a day-by-day basis in support of its own operations. The O-level mission is to maintain assigned aircraft and aeronautical equipment in a full mission capable status while continually improving the local maintenance process. Some O-level functions include servicing, inspections, handling, on-equipment corrective and preventive maintenance, record keeping, reports preparation, etc.
b. Intermediate
Maintenance which is the responsibility of, and performed by, designated maintenance activities in support of using organizations. Their mission is to enhance and sustain the combat readiness and mission capability of supported activities by providing quality and timely material support at most approximate location with the lowest practical resource expenditure. I-level maintenance consists of on and off equipment material support.
c. Depot
Maintenance performed at naval aviation industrial establishments to ensure continued flying integrity of airframes and flight systems during subsequent operational service periods or Special Depot Level Maintenance (SDLM) inductions. They preform what is commonly referred to as "overhaul" maintenance. They also perform maintenance on material requiring major overhaul, rebuilding of parts, assemblies, subassemblies, and end items. They provide rework and repair of engines, components, weight and balance, etc.
115.4 Discuss the general responsibilities of the following personnel:
a. Maintenance Officer (MO)
The Maintenance Officer is responsible for the accomplishment of the department mission. He or she shall administer procedures in accordance with the NAMP, employ sound management practices in handling of personnel, facilities, and material. He/she shall define and assign responsibilities, functions, and operations.
b. Aircraft Maintenance Officer (AMO)
Assistant head of the maintenance department. He/she shall assist the MO in the performance of duties and keep the MO fully informed of matters concerning the department. He receives the same training, and is qualified under the same guidelines as the MO.
c. Maintenance/Material Control Officer (MMCO)
Responsible for the overall production and material support of the department. General responsibilities include coordinating and monitoring the department workload, maintaining liaison between supported activities and supply, reviewing Maintenance Data Reports, etc.
d. Material Control Officer
Supply corps officers assigned to a deployable squadron will be assigned as the MCO. Responsible to the Maintenance Material Control Officer for managing the Tool Control Program. Supports and disseminates information to command personnel on the BOSS III Program and Price Challenge Hotline. The BOSS Program is a partnership in which the Navy seeks to reduce supply support costs by improving reliability and maintainability of NAVICP managed items in fielded weapon or support systems. Used to reduce costs and improve readiness.
115.5 State the basic responsibilities of maintenance/production control.
115.6 Discuss the basic responsibilities of the maintenance administration division.
Maintenance Administration will provide all administrative functions of the Maintenance Department including the preparation of messages, processing of incoming messages and reports, maintaining Instructions, etc.
115.7 Describe the difference between scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.
Scheduled maintenance is the program for formally ensuring timely discovery and correction of defects. These are periodic prescribed inspections and servicing of equipment, done on hours, cycles or landings, calandar or mileage basis
Unscheduled maintenance is maintenance on discrepancies and deficiencies found during operations. It consists of fault isolation or troubleshooting, repair, replacement, test, and calibration.
115.8 Discuss the purpose of the following inspections:
Conducted to inspect for defects to a greater depth than the turnaround or postflight inspections. It is valid for 72 hours, provided that no flight occurs during this period and no maintenance other than servicing is performed. Aircraft may be flown for 24 hours without another daily. This 24 hour period begins with the first launch following accomplishment of the daily inspection. The 24 hours cannot exceed the 72 hour expiration of the daily unless the expiration occurs during a mission. Turnaround requirements are not included in the daily inspection and must be accomplished separately. Accomplishment of a turnaround does not affect the 72 hour validity of the daily inspection.
b. Turnaround Inspection
Conducted between flights to ensure the integrity of the aircraft for flight, verify proper servicing, and detect degradation that may have occurred during the previous flight. Good for 24 hours, provided that no flight occurs during this period and no maintenance other than servicing was performed.
c. Special Inspection
Inspection with a prescribed interval other than daily, calandar or phase. Special inspections always have a number in them; i.e., 14 day, 2000 landing, 2000 hour inspection, etc. These intervals are specified in the Periodic Maintenance Information Card deck.
d. Conditional Inspection
Unscheduled conditions requiring an inspection such as a bird strike inspection, lightening strike inspection, hard-landing inspection, Foreign Object Damage (FOD) inspection, etc.
e. Phase Inspection
This inspection divides the total scheduled maintenance requirement into smaller packages, or phases of the same work content. These are done sequentially and at specified intervals. The cycle is repetitive for the service life of the aircraft and is not interrupted during SDLM induction.
f. Acceptance Inspection
Performed at the time a reporting custodian accepts a newly assigned aircraft, from any source, and on return of an aircraft from SDLM or other major depot level maintenance. Includes an inventory of equipment listed in the Aircraft Inventory Record (AIR), verification of cartridge actuated devices (CADs), escape propulsion systems, configuration verification, hydraulic fluid sampling, daily inspection, and complete functional check flight.
g. Transfer Inspection
Performed at the time a reporting custodian transfers an aircraft or support equipment. It includes an inventory of all items listed on the AIR, configuration verification, hydraulic fluid sampling, and daily inspection.
h. Aircraft Service Period Adjustment (ASPA)
A depot level evaluation of the aircraft's general material condition. Performed by certified ASPA evaluators and consists of record and logbook analysis, and physical examination of the aircraft.
115.9 State the purpose of the Functional Check Flight (FCF).
115.10 State the purpose of the Weight and Balance Program.
115.11 State the purpose of the aircraft logbook.
115.12 State who is authorized to sign aircraft logbook entries.
Anyone designated in writing by the Commanding Officer.
The following personnel are authorized to sign aircraft logbooks and records:
1. Commanding Officer
2. O-Level
3. I-Level
4. D-Level Director of Operations
5. OMD Officer
Additional personnel may be authorized to sign aircraft logbooks and records if they have been designated in writing to do so by one of the personnel listed above. When the contractor or NAVAVNDEPOT field team supervisor is not authorized or does not sign the required logbooks and records, the reporting custodian shall verify the work performed and sign the necessary logbook and record entries.
115.13 State who is authorized to release aircraft safe for flight.
The signature and rank rate of the Maintenance Officer, Maintenance Material Control Officer, or maintenance control officer certifying safe for flight condition of the aircraft. Other persons may sign the record if authorized and designated in writing by the CO. The material condition of an aircraft which, condidering mission requirements and environmental conditions, permits it to be launched, flown, and safely landed, and ensures the aircrew has the operable equipment for safe flight requirements.
115.14 Discuss the following Planned Maintenance System(PMS) publications:
a. Maintenance Requirement Cards(MRCs)
Provides instructions required for the efficient performance of scheduled maintenance tasks. Each card contains tasks related to a particular system, subsystem, area, or component using a logical sequence for accomplishment. Identifies the recommended rating of the person to perform the maintenance, performance time, and work area or zone involved. List what support equipment is needed, consumables, replacement parts, and assistance requirements for task performance. MRCs do not include instructions for repair, adjustment, calibration, or procedures for correcting defects.
b. Periodic Maintenance Information Cards(PMICs)
The use of PMICs is to identify scheduled or forced removal items and their replacement intervals. They contain component or assembly removal and replacement, airframe structural life limits, maintenance requirements system indexes such as MRCs, conditional inspections, phase change inplementation cards, etc.
115.15 Define the following as applied to aviation maintenance:
a. Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB)
Contains illustrations and part numbers for all parts of the aircraft or equipment on which it is issued. The IPB contains information required for ordering parts, and for identifying parts and arrangements of parts in assemblies.
b. Maintenance Instruction Manuals (MIMs)
Contains instructions for "O" and "I" level maintenance and servicing of a specific model aircraft. Identifies each maintenance task to the responsible maintenance level.
115.16 Discuss the Workcenter Supervisor's responsibilities.
115.17 Define the concept of Quality Assurance (QA).
115.18 Explain the responsibilities of the following QA personnel:
a. Quality Assurance Representative (QAR)
When performing inspections, they are considered to be the direct representative of the CO for ensuring safety of flight of the item concerned. They certify that the work involved has been personally inspected by them, that it has been properly completed, and is in accordance with current instructions and directives.
b. Collateral Duty QAR (CDQAR)
Assigned on a temporary or permanent basis in accordance with OPNAV 4790.2 series. Temporary CDQARs may be assigned when temporary severe shortages of skills will not support the assignment of a QAR in one of the billets or to relieve QARs during short periods of absence such as leave, temporary assigned duty periods, hospitalization, etc. Permanent CDQARs may be assigned for Aircrew Personal Protective or Survival Equipment billet, and Armament billet when the activity has a minimal ordnance delivery in the assigned mission, for Egress/Environmental Systems when the activity does not have ejection seats, to supplement multiple work shifts, and on certain detachments or activities with 4 or less planes.
c. Collateral Duty Inspector (CDI)
Assigned to production work centers to inspect all work and comply with the QA inspections required during all maintenance actions performed by their respective work centers. They will spotcheck all work in progress. They are monitored by QA and QA will establish minimum qualifications for personnel selected for CDI. They are given a written exam. An oral exam may be used.
115.19 Explain the purpose of the following QA audits.
Conducted to evaluate specific maintenance tasks, processes, procedures and programs. They may be requested by the work center at any time or when a new work center supervisor is assigned. Maintained copies of audits are held for one year.
b. Quarterly/Work Center Audit
Conducted quarterly to evaluate the overall quality performance of each work center. All areas of the work center are evaluated including personnel, monitored and managed programs, logs and records, licenses, etc.
115.20 Discuss the two functions of the Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL).
QA manages the CTPL program. This function includes the determinationof technical manuals required to support the maintenance organization, receipt and distribution control of manuals, and for ensuring manuals are updated throughout the maintenance organization. Internal control and distribution of the NAMP is a responsibility of the CTPL.
115.21 Discuss the elements of a successful Foreign Object Damage(FOD) Program.
The FOD prevention program identifies, corrects, and eliminates causal factors which are a command responsiblilty and must be a part of the maintenance program. QA will monitor the FOD program. All work centers will institute procedures for compliance.
115.22 State the primary objective of the Tool Control Program.
This program provides a means to rapidly account for all tools after completing a maintenance task, thus reducing the potential for FOD. A secondary benefit is reduced tool loss.
115.23 Explain the purpose of the following programs:
Free water and foreign contaminants in aircraft fuel systems, singularly or in combination, constitute a hazard in naval aircraft. Harmful affects of water, particles, and microbiological growth include erratic or incorrect fuel quantity indications, icing of filters, valves and other fuel system components. Fuel samples will be monitored and sampled. QA will monitor this program. A record of when and which fuel tanks were sampled will be maintained.
b. Navy Oil Analysis
Provides a diagnostic technique to monitor aeronautical equipment without removal or extensive dissembly. QA will ensure samples are taken from engines and accessories at intervals established in appropriate MRCs and MIMs. Results will be maintained and trends highlighted.
c. Aviators Breathing Oxygen(ABO) Surveillance
All persons in the ABO program will be thoroughly familiar with the characteristics of ABO, Liquid Oxygen (LOX), gaseous havards, and the need for quality standards. Operations involving the handling of LOX or gaseous oxygen will be preformed by 2 or more qualified persons. They shall be thoroughly trainied and monitored.
d. Hydraulic Contamination Control
The prime objective of this program is to achieve and maintain a satisfactory level of fluid purity in hydraulic systems, thereby providing for safe and efficient operation of naval aircraft and support equipment. Navy standard class 5 (aircraft) and Navy standard class 3 (support equipment) classes or cleaner contamination levels will be maintained.
e. Tire and Wheel Maintenance Safety
Persons handling tires and wheels shall be properly trained and aware of the safety hazards. They shall handle tires and wheels with the same care as that given to live ordnance. All persons trained will be familiar with all applicable manuals.
115.24 State the purpose of the Maintenance Training Improvement Program (MTIP).
A training management system which evaluates the technical knowledge levels of aviation technicians. Comprehensive diagnostic testing in specific systems or subsystems identifies deficiencies which are targeted for refresher training. Training is concentrated on technical knowledge, deficiencies, and overall activity capabilities.
115.25 Explain the purpose of the Monthly Maintenance Plan(MMP).
Provides a schedule of predictable maintenance work. It is prepared and distributed by the 25th of each month. It is used by supervisors to be aware of upcoming requirements. It includes the following minimum information: flight hours, dates of scheduled inspections, training, qualifications, chain-of-command, calibration schedules, Technical Directive compliance dates, etc.
King's (Core) EAWS Tutorial |
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King