[a] NAVAIR AE-CVATC-OPM-000, Carrier Air Traffic Control Handbook
202.1.1 Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC):
a. State the service that the METOC office provides for flight operations - METOC collects, interprets and disseminates weather information. Weather information is disseminated for aircraft operations, including present and forecast weather at the carrier and at shore facilities used as divert fields for aircraft with fuel shortages and emergencies, Because weather conditions significantly impact air operations, coordination between CATCC and the weather office is continuous.
202.1.2 Carrier Air Traffic Control Center (CATCC): - On a carrier, two spaces are responsible for the control of airborne aircraft � the Carrier Air Traffic Control Center (CATCC) and the Combat Direction Center (CDC).
CATCC is responsible for the control of aircraft operating within the Carrier Control Area (a circular airspace within a radius of 50 nm around the carrier). It is organized into Air Operations (AirOps), Carrier Controlled Approach (CCA), and the Air Transfer Office (ATO).
a. Discuss the function of air operations - Air Operations (AirOps) has overall responsibility and makes real-time decisions necessary for safe and efficient aircraft launch and recovery. The AirOps Officer is responsible to the Operations Officer for the coordination of all matters pertaining to aircraft operations, the proper function of CATCC, and the aircraft under it's control. Other responsibilities include:
- Control of assigned aircraft when airborne, except when control is assigned to other authority. Collection and coordination of requests for operational logistics services required by the carrier in support of operations.
- Requests for operating area assignments and aircraft clearances incident to the movement and operation of the carrier
- Determine the type of approach and required control IAW prescribed weather criteria
- Manage tanker assets and airborne fuel. Determine tanking operations/actions based on type of recovery, amount of available fuel, pilot performance, local and divert field, suitability of divert field and supporting navigational aids, and deck conditions.
b. Identify the positions manned in air operations during flight operations:
a. Air Operations Watch Officer
b. AirOps Plotter
c. Status Board Keeper
d. Land/Launch Recorder
(Status Board Keeper and Land/Launch Recorder are being combined into one position)
c. Discuss the function of Carrier Control Approach (CCA) - CCA is responsible for operational control of aircraft departing the ship and recovery of inbound aircraft after a mission is complete. It is roughly equivalent to the Approach Control branch of an ashore Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility. Air traffic control is provided by the following positions in CCA: Departure Control, Marshal Control, Approach Control and Final Control. Each of these four areas has �control� of aircraft at different times and during different phases of aircraft flight.
d. State the duties and responsibilities of the Air Transfer Officer (ATO) - The ATO is responsible to the AirOps Officer for the safe and orderly handling of All COD/VOD passengers, mail, and cargo arriving or departing the carrier.
202.1.3 Combat Direction Center (CDC):
a. Discuss the function of the CDC - CDC is responsible for the execution of tactical orders for the carrier and air wing during battles. In Combat, CDC "directs" the actions of the carrier and its air wing and coordinates the actions of other ships within the battle group. CDC detects, evaluates and reports air, surface and subsurface contacts to the appropriate control stations. Other responsibilities include the execution of Electronic Warfare (EW) and cryptologic operations in support of combat operations and the conduct of Search and Warfare (SAR) operations. A major function of CDC is mission-control of airborne aircraft, e.g., conducting airborne Undersea Warfare (USW) operations or controlling Air Intercept Control (AIC) missions.
202.1.4 Strike operations:
a. Discuss the responsibilities of strike operations - Strike Operations is responsible for planning daily aircraft operations to support the requirements of the Battle Group Commander. The Strike Operations Officer writes the Air Plan.
202.1.5 Carrier Intelligence Center (CVIC):
a. Discuss the responsibilities of CVIC: - The Carrier Intelligence Center (CVIC) (pronounced "SIV-ICK") is responsible for the collection, display, analysis and dissemination of intelligence information, including the briefing and debriefing of pilots prior to and following missions. Other duties include the preparation of operational orders, plans, training schedules, and other reports and directives, and maintaining intelligence files in support of combat operations.