[a] The Bluejacket�s Manual (Twenty-First Edition)
[b] NAVEDTRA 12309, Aviation Ordnanceman 3, 2, and 1
[c] NAVEDTRA 12966, Naval Orientation
[d] NAVEDTRA 12000, Airman
209.1.1 Discuss the basic function of the following:
a. . 50 caliber mounts - Located strategically about TR, the ship's .50 caliber guns are intended to counter small-boats and attempts at boarding, both ashore and in port.
b. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Sea Sparrow Missile system - The Sea Sparrow, sometimes called the "Sea Chicken", is an adaptation of the aircraft version of the Sparrow missile. It is designed to counter airborne threats to the ship.
c. Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) - A fast-reaction, rapid-fire, 20mm Gattling-gun system. The Phalanx provides US Navy ships with a terminal defense against anti-ship missiles that have penetrated other fleet defenses. Designed to engage anti-ship cruise missiles and fixed-wing aircraft at short range, Phalanx automatically engages functions usually performed by separate, independent systems such as search, detection, threat evaluation, acquisition, track, firing, target destruction, kill assessment and cease fire.
* Primary Function: Anti-ship missile defense
Weight: 12,500 pounds (5,625 kg) - Later models: 13,600
pounds (6,120 kg)
* Range: Classified
* Gun Type: M-61A1 Gattling
* Type of Fire: 3,000 rounds per minute - Later models:
4,500 rounds/min
* Magazine Capacity: 989 rounds - Later models: 1,550
d. Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) - ECM is designed to deny an aircraft or missile the use of its basic guidance system. The primary ECM system for use against missiles is Rapid Blooming Outboard Chaff (RBOC). Larger than the similar aircraft chaff system, the missile's radar echoes are presented with a much larger target (the chaff "cloud"), causing the missile to search for the wrong target.