August 2019
Our honored guest speaker, Director of Tennessee Valley Healthcare System
Our special thanks to the Manchester Times for their continued support
Certificate of Appreciation to Ron and Cyndi Clower for their efforts in the success of our
Former VFW Post Commander and Trustee, Tom Hewell.
New life member and our Surgeon, Robert Lee Swindell.
Former VFW Post Commander, Tom Gerard. The most generous member we have.
Our VFW Chaplain, Bryce Kutzli, representing the Military Order of the Purple Heart as he is
Our friend, Anthony "Tony" Knox, CDR of VFW Post 4575.
AFJROTC VFW Award Winner Cadet LT Leah Swarts at the annual JROTC Awards night
CDR Mike Rhew, our new State Commander and his family.
Appreciation Certificate given to the Post by Wreaths Across America
Vietnam Veterans Honor Day at Manchester Square.
Memorials to 74 fallen Vietnam veterans were displayed from Coffee, Grundy, Bedford, Cannon, Franklin,
Don and Pat Purinton during the Vietnam day walk.
Edward Reader is our only World War II veteran. He was also a POW (Prisoner of War)
Shirley Karper, our Quartermaster and Programs Manager, successfully completes the
David King, VFW Post 10904 Auxiliary, presents Emily Cowan Ezell, with $300 in cash.
Shirley Karper, retired Air Force, is sworn in as the District Quartermaster.
Howard Thompson, member of our Post and Commander of the DAV, gives the
Some of our wonderful Auxiliary members.
One of our Post members, Claude Morse, just seems to do it all!
Gary Benton, our Post Senior Vice Commander, runs a class to obtain your firearms
VFW Post Commander, Thomas Hewell
Beautiful painting by Larina Kehrer for our Young American Creative Patriotic Art contest.
Shannon Benton, our VFW Auxiliary President, and her son, Cole -
Charlie Garvin
Several of our Post members go each month to Assited Living Centers, the Jail, and a women's
CDR Kimberly King (left) and Quartermaster Shirley Karper (right) place a wreath
Post and District Quartermaster, Shirley Karper and Post Commander Kimberly King
Christmas Party at the Coffee County Veterans Association bldg.
Kimberly King speaks and gives service certificates to veterans
Patriotic face made with Buddy Poppies.
Emily Cornelius, 3rd grade teacher, receives boxes of much needed school supplies.
State winners, Neal Simmons, for Emergency Responder and Emily Ezell,
Shirley Karper and Kimberly King after the Manchester Wreaths Across America ceremony.
Shirley Karper and Kimberly King talk to the students at Temple Baptist on the meaning
Jeramy Lacy, Voice of Democracy Post winner. Temple Bapist.
Rachel Butler, Post and District, Voice of Democracy essay winner. Temple Baptist.
Our dear ladies at one of our VFW breakfast events.
Ed Reader, a World War II veteran. He was a pilot on a B-17 bomber
Gene Stillings, our Veterans Service Officer.
Joe Clark, our dear Vietnam Veteran.
Lester Miller, our treasurer and great friend.
Margie Gerard and her granddaughter cook for our monthly breakfast.
Tom Gerard, one of our past Post Commanders.
Our wonderful Auxiliary members.
Tennessee State Teacher's award winner, Emily C. Ezell with Quartermaster
Tom Hewell, past VFW Post 10904 Commander, is presented with a plaque for his
13 March 2018: Westwood Middle School; Patriot's Pen and Teacher's Award Winners.
22 March 2018: Patriots Pen Award essay winner Patience Driggers of
22 March 2018: Voice of Democracy essay winner Taela Bland of
Voice of Democracy essay contributor Brianna Cardenal. Honor student
Our "Operation Joy" team was given these shirts by VFW National as we have been
selected as one of the top 25 community service projects in the nation.
Congratulations team!
David King plays TAPS on the bugle at our Memorial Day Ceremony, 2023
Performers in our Operation Joy, a Bob Hope style, USO show. Operation Joy
was designated by VFW National as one of the top 25 community service projects in the nation.
David King, Auxiliary President, gives school students a lecture on drug use prevention.
Christie Conlee, VFW Post Jr. Vice CDR, shows off our Community Service Book
for 2023-24. Highlighting our achievements for the fiscal year.
Rosie the Riveters at our Veterans Day Parade
Rosie the Riveters at our Veterans Day Parade
Rosie the Riveters at our Veterans Day Parade along with George Patton, Douglas MacArthur and others.
Karen Schell at our 2021 Christmas party.
Andrew Hetrick receives a flag flown at Pearl Harbor from Hans Hooker.
Our Eagle Scout, Drew Hetrick with Boy Scout Troop 314
Herman Martin receives the All American Post officers award for his role as
Post Trustee for 2019-2020 and his part in helping us obtain the award.
Mike Rhew, Dept of TN Commander, attended and presented the awards.
Howard Horning, Young American Award winner for reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
properly. Oct 2020
Lamar Wilkie receives his VFW Life Membership Certificate
Auxiliary President, David King, during the judging of the Patriots Pen and VOD essays
Lamar Wilkie and Fred Kasper, both U.S. Navy, attended the funeral for
World War II veteran Darrell Crim.
Brandon Tax and Bookkeeping posted photos of our VFW Post members for
Veterans Day 2020
Our Post and Auxiliary brought breakfast items to the Coffee County Police Dept.
to show our support for the fine work they do for all of us.
Quilt of Valor given to Bob Brinkman, 10 Nov 2019
Virginia Hooker, VFW Post 10904 Auxiliary, greets Ed Reader,
VFW Post Trustee and World War II veteran and POW as well as
Eugene Warren, past American Legion Commander, at the Manchester
Veterans Day Parade held on 9 November 2019
Ed Reader, All American Post Trustee
Bob Brinkmann, All American Post Sr. Vice Commander
Howard Thompson, All American Quartermaster and Adjutant award winner.
Jim Dobson, VFW member, at a Purple Heart dedication ceremony he coordinated at
Westwood Middle School.
14 January 2019: Margaret Stillings is presented a Department of Defense Vietnam Commemoration
certificate, and pin, in honor of her relative, Larry Clemons, who was killed in the Vietnam War.
Mrs. Stillings honored her relative by walking in his memory at our annual Vietnam War Honors Day last March.
14 January 2019; Flag Ceremony
Amanda and Robert Thompson lost their grandfather's American flag in a house fire. Linda Ross
of the American Red Cross notified us of the loss and a replacement flag was presented formally
to the family.
Tom Hewell, Post Service Officer and Trustee assist Kim King and Linda Ross of the Red Cross with
the flag folding. Post Auxiliary President, David King, read the meaning of the folds during the ceremony.
December 2018; Beech Grove Cemetery, TN
Fannie Moffitt Festival - Membership drive booth; Shirley Karper, Quartermaster and
David King, Auxiliary President
Shirley Karper, Barbara Gibbs and Margie Gerard at Old Timer's Day, 2018
Our Vietnam veteran, Purple Heart recipient and dear friend, Joe Clark
Linda Rollins and Marian Harris receive DOD Vietnam "In Memory Of" for their service
to their spouses who served in the Vietnam war.
Manchester Fire Department monthly breakfast volunteers. Lookin' good!
11 Sept 2018: David King presents an award to Lynn Taylor of Coffee County Rescue Squad at our
Patriots Day Ceremony; Coffee County Central High School.
The Post displays the "5 Signs" of Mental Health Awareness.
Margie Gerard and one of our volunteer fireman at our monthly breakfast.
Marian Harris, our Auxiliary Chaplain... sooo pretty!
Susan White is presented with the DOD Vietnam Commemoration certificate for her
support of her brother who died in the Vietnam war.
Cynthia Young of Cowan Elementary School
receives a check for $1,000 from VFW National and the School of the Year Award
Claude Morse accepts a check for $1,000 from the Post and Auxiliary for
Wreaths Across America
Deb Bomar accepts a certificate of appreciation from the Department of Defense
Vietnam War Commemoration, for her support of her relative
Mike Brummer, who died in the Vietnam War.
Our wonderful Manchester Fire Department who helps us with our
monthly breakfast.
Steven Anderson of Boy Scout Troop 332.
Steven worked on a Veterans dedication flag pole and monument as part of his
Eagle Scout project.
Thunder Radio was given a certificate of appreciation for their continued work with
our Post in the promotion of veterans events.
Emily Ezell receives the Smart/Maher Teacher's award for 2018 from
Commander-In-Chief Keith Harmon. July 2018; Kansas City, MO
Emily Ezell receives her award at the VFW National Convention as Elementary Teacher
for 2018. One out of 6,500! Congratulations Emily!
Emily is interviewed by local news at the VFW National Convention.
President Trump addressed the VFW National Convention attendees much to our delight.
Some friends from Tennessee at the National Convention including
Nancy Cartwright, 2005 past VFW National Commander-In-Chief, John Furgess,
TN State Sr. Vice, Lloyd Hanson and VFW Auxiliary President, David King
Emily Ezell with her special VIP pass for winning the National Teacher's award.
retired Captain Jennifer Vedral-Baron and her staff.
The Director came and talked to our Post about the VA and healthcare programs.
of veteran events, programs and especially to our Post.
A small error: I am not Shirley Karper
Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day last March.
Tom is involved in every Veterans organization that I know of.
He continues to serve his country faithfully. Thank you Tom!
presenting an award to AFJROTC Cadet Andrianna Widener at the Coffee County
Central High School awards ceremony, 23 Apr 2018.
This is Tony at the State Convention. He surprised us by donating 7,000 toy soldiers to our Vietnam Toy Soldier Project.
Thanks Tony!
23 Apr 2018.
Hans Hooker, our Judge Advocate, representing us at Normandy.
Hans Hooker, our Judge Advocate
Approximately 400 attended with 252 registered for the walk.
Moore, Rutherford, Sequatchie, Warren and Marion Counties.
in Germany. Here we present him with a certificate on POW Day, 9 April 2018.
Bataan Memorial Death March marathon of 26.2 miles held near White Sands, NM, on 25 March 2018.
Shirley finished 10th in her age group with a time of 7 hours, 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
Congratulations to Shirley for representing our Post, the VFW and women veterans!!
Ms. Ezell won the Citizenship Education Teacher Award from our Post and from our District.
She went on to win the State award and the
2017-2018 coveted Smart/Maher National Citizenship Education Teacher's Award.
We are all so very proud of Emily!
Shirley is our Post Quartermaster and an exceptional comrade. Summer of 2017.
keynote speech at the Memorial Day service held at the Manchester Square; May 2017
Despite being very ill, Claude still go the Wreaths Across America program going in Manchester.
He also works with Honor Flight of Middle TN where he provides a flight to Washington DC
for World War II, Korean War and some disabled Vietnam Veterans,
all free of charge to the member.
carry permit. Gary runs a top-notch course. Please go to his website if interested:
Tennessee Academy of Firearms
April 2017
a proud Marine!
home to sing seasonal music. In the photo are David King, (far left), Kim King (white shirt),
Margie Gerard (center, white pants) and Linda Rollins (Uncle Sam).
This photo taken at our Patriotic music series, July 2017 at Morning Point, Tullahoma.
at the Tennessee
State Capital, 2017, in honor of Wreaths Across America. A program run by our very own Claude Morse.
man an informational booth at the Fannie Moffitt Festival in Altamont, TN. Oct 2017
at the Grundy County Veterans Association Lunch; Dec 2017.
VFW Post 10904
All supplies and donations were provided by our Post.
State and National Teacher's award.
Manchester, TN - December 2017
of freedom and the Voice of Democracy essay contest. February 2018
Feb 2018
Catha Miller and Barbara Gibbs
and was shot down and taken as a POW in Germany.
and Programs Manager, Shirley Karper, (left), District 5 CDR Hundley Ford (right)
Greg Dodson, TN State Chief of Staff (tan suit), and post CDR Kim King (center)
at the State Mid-Winter Conference.
untiring service to our community for his service with the VFW. Tom continues to
serve our country by volunteering in a variety of veterans organizations, despite his
recent health issues. He is a tireless, wonderful friend and admirable veteran.
Congratulations to our award winners at Westwood Middle School. Left to right are
Shirley Karper, Program Manager and Quartermaster, Clint Gribble, Teacher's award winner;
Kasen Holt and Brayden Gray, Patriot's Pen essay winners,
Kimberly King, Post CDR and David King, VFW Auxiliary.
Westwood Middle submitted 23 essay's for the contest. Congratulations to all!
Coffee County Middle School along with Program Manager Shirley Karper and Kim King.
Coffee County Central High School. What a smile!
Coffee County Central High School. Congratulations to all winners!
For information on the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 10904, please contact:
Kimberly King
Commander, VFW Post 10904
Website Editor
Please email me your question, comment, or suggestion for this website.
VFW Links:
Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit Safety Class
Coffee County Wreaths Across America Facebook Page
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