Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
Old Stone Fort Post 10904


~ All American Post~
~ All State Post ~
~ National Community Service Post~
~ National Destination Post~

130 Shelton Road
Manchester, TN 37355

8 January 1990

Monthly Meetings:
6 pm / 18:00
Second Monday of each month
Coffee County Veterans Building
130 Shelton Road; Manchester, TN

Our Motto:
"We are NOT your average VFW Post!"

Kimberly King

Donald Purinton
Senior Vice Commander
County Veterans Service Officer

This site was last updated:

18 February 2025

The VFW is a non-profit veteran service organization composed of eligible veterans
and military service members from the active, guard and reserve forces.
The VFW and its Auxiliary are dedicated to veterans service,
legislative advocacy and military and community service programs.

The VFW was established to assist veterans. Our mission is to foster camaraderie among U.S. veterans
of overseas conflicts and to serve our veterans, the military and our community. We advocate on behalf of all veterans.

The purposes of the VFW are patriotic, fraternal, historical, charitable and educational.
To preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members and to assist worthy comrades.
To perpetuate the memory and history of our dead and to assist their surviving spouses and orphans.
To maintain true allegiance to the United States and fidelity to its institutions of freedom
and to preserve and defend the United States from all enemies.

Click Here for a complete list of all Programs the VFW offers.

We encourage and welcome all qualifying veterans to join our Post
and support our veterans, our families, and our country.
Post contact information, as well as qualifying information, is listed below.

"We are VFW Post 10904"
Short Introductory Video

This short but fantastic video, describes what we do at our Post, and in the community.

Also, here is a video that our National Commander, Al Lipphardt, made to congratulate
our Post and District for our vast achievements.

Both videos created, designed and written by Lamar Wilkie;
Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer and Post Adjutant.

VFW Monthly Fundraiser Breakfast
22 February 2025

Please join us on Saturday, 22 February 2025.

This is the primary way that we raise funds for our many events, projects,
programs and help we provide to our veterans and their families.

Thank you to Humana, who sponsors our breakfast!
Still only $7.50/plate!!

So, please come and join us for breakfast served with smiles and for a great cause.

Take out is available!
Open to the public!

Veterans Bible Study
27 February 2025

Join us for a Bible study at 6 pm at our Post building located at
130 Shelton Road; Manchester, TN.

Open to the public. All veterans and their families are welcome!

VFW Post Monthly Meeting
10 March 2025

Join us for our Post monthly meeting at the Coffee County Veterans Building on Monday,
10 March 2025, with dinner served at 6 pm followed by our meetings.

All veterans and their families, are welcome to attend. The address is:
Coffee County Veterans Building
130 Shelton Road
Manchester, TN

Eighth Annual Vietnam-Era Veterans Honors Dinner
27 March 2025

{Click on the photo above for details}

Please join us for our 8th annual Vietnam-Era Veterans Honors Dinner where we pay
tribute to our veterans and their family members who served in the Vietnam-era
(November 1955 to May 1975).

The event is completely free and open to the public but registration is required.

Special guest speaker, Mitchell Campbell. Mitch lived in Vietnam for nearly a year and
will explain Vietnam today.

Also, Lloyd Smith, area performer, will sing some Vietnam-Era songs.

To register, contact Commander, Kimberly King to register at or cell: 251-554-8836.

All veterans and their families, are welcome to attend. The address is:
Coffee County Veterans Building
130 Shelton Road
Manchester, TN

Veterans Photo Project

{Click on the photo above to take you to the website for this project.}

Any veteran who has any tie to Coffee County, can be included in the project.
Simply submit your veteran photo to CDR King for inclusion.

Photos can be sent in any form via email to or text 251-554-8836
or use the QR code above.

All are highly encouraged to participate.
All are welcome!

Dates and Major Event Dates in 2025

Note: Post meetings are the second Monday of each month except December.
Post Fundraiser Breakfast events are the last Saturday in the month unless noted otherwise.

20 January:
Martin Luther King Day / Inauguration Day

3 February:
Four Chaplains Day

10 February:
Annual Awards Night for Essay Winners / Teachers / Military Support Awards

21 March:
National Rosie the Riveter Day

27 March:
Vietnam-Era Veterans Honors Dinner

14 April:
VFW Auxiliary Appreciation Night

1 May:
Loyalty Day

9 May:
National Military Spouse Appreciation Day

26 May:
Memorial Day Ceremony

21 June:
Flag Retirement Ceremony

4 July:
Independence Day

26 July:
All-American Celebration

2 August:
Veterans Benefit Craft Fair

7 August:
National Purple Heart Day

13 September:
Patriot Day Ceremony

26-27 September:
Remembering WWII Event; Linden, TN

29 September:
National VFW Day

18 October:
Halloween at the Post

8 November:
Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony

6 December:
Annual Christmas Party

13 December:
Wreaths Across America

Post Officers for 2024 -2025

Congratulations Post and Auxiliary!!

Congratulations to all Post and Auxiliary members for earning many National, State and Community
awards. Several are listed below.

Welcome to our Newest Members:

John Davis
U.S. Army

Christopher Hopkins
U.S. Army

John Walker
U.S. Air Force

Robin Walker
U.S. Air Force

Michael Hayes
U.S. Air Force

John Tyree, III
U.S. Army

Sophia Conerly
U.S. Navy

Bob Gotte
U.S. Navy

Anthony Williams
U.S. Army

Charlie Graham
U.S. Marines

Edward Schoen
U.S. Navy

Phil Samples
U.S. Air Force

Dirk Johnson
U.S. Navy

Anthony Odom
U.S. Army

Bill Prince
U.S. Air Force

2025 Patriotic Days We Acknowledge and Cherish
Major Post Events

VFW Post 10904 celebrates and honors all patriotic days and events including the following:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - 20 Jan
Four Chaplains Day - 3 Feb
VFW Annual Awards Night - 10 Feb
National Rosie the Riveter Day - 21 March
Vietnam-Era Veterans Honors Dinner - 27 March
National Vietnam War Veterans Day - 29 March
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day- 9 April
VFW Post 10904 Auxiliary Appreciation Night - 14 April
Loyalty Day - 1 May
National Military Spouse Appreciation Day - 9 May
Armed Forces Day - 18 May
Memorial Day Ceremony - 26 May
Flag Day - 14 June
Independence Day - 4 July
All-American Celebration - 26 July
American POW's in Hiroshima Killed on the day of the Bombing - 6 August
National Purple Heart Day - 7 August
Patriot Day Ceremony - 13 Sept
POW/MIA Day - 21 Sept
National VFW Day - 29 Sept
National VFW Day - 29 September
Gold Star Mother's Day - 30 September
Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony - 8 Nov
Annual Christmas Party - 6 December
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - 7 Dec
Wreaths Across America - 13 December

Our Pledge of Allegiance

Operation Joy Music/Comedy Program

Please contact CDR King for a schedule of Operation Joy events.
Operation Joy is a Bob Hope style music and comedy program we provide
for free to several assisted living centers.
Below are the addresses for the homes we visit each month:

Autumn Oaks Senior Living
1621 McMinnville Hwy
Manchester, TN

Morning Pointe Assisted Living
711 Kings Lane
Tullahoma, TN

Brookdale Assisted Living
801 Wilson Ave
Tullahoma, TN

All are welcome to join us. It's great fun!
Please contact Kimberly King at
or phone 251-554-8836 for additional information.

Our Post Awards

VFW National All-American Post
5 years consecutive (2018 - 23)

VFW Department of Tennessee All-State Post
6 years consecutive (2017 - 23)

VFW National Award of Merit
4 awards (2018 - 19 - 22 - 23)

VFW National Post Special Project Award
3 awards (2018 - 21 - 23)

VFW National Membership Award
4 awards (2017 - 22)

VFW National Smart/Maher Teacher's Award

VFW Department of Tennessee Community Service Award
2 Awards (2022 - 23)

VFW Department of Tennessee Smart/Maher Teacher's Awards
11 awards (2018 - 2024)

VFW Department of Tennessee Commander's Membership Award
6 awards (2018 - 23)

VFW Department of Tennessee Community Service Awards
6 awards (2018 - 23)

VFW Department of Tennessee Balsom V. Perry Award
2 awards (2021 - 23)

VFW Department of Tennessee Cooper T. Holt Award
Howard Thompson winner

Department of Defense Vietnam War Commemoration Award

Governor's Volunteer Star Award
- Four winners -
Howard Thompson, Claude Morse, Ed Reader, Sr and Andrew Hetrick (Eagle Scout)

FCCLA Riverdale High School Appreciation Award

Our District Awards include:

Veterans and Military Support Programs Award
6 awards (2017 - 23)

Community Service Award
6 awards (2017 - 23)

Attendance Award
6 awards (2017 - 23)

Citizenship Education Teacher Award
4 awards (2017 - 23)

Outstanding Patriot's Pen Award
4 awards (2017 - 23)

Outstanding Voice of Democracy Award
4 awards (2017 - 23)

VFW Post 10904 Photos

Please click Here to view a few photos
of some of our events, projects, members and award winners.

VFW Post 10904 Membership

Please click HERE to view information
on becoming a member of our post.

Community Service Programs

Click on the title to access information on the following awards and programs:

These awards include Emergency Medical Technician, Law Enforcement and Firefighter.

Click here for more info:
Public Safety Award Information

Emergency Medical Technician, Law Enforcement or Firefighter Award Submission Form

Scout of the Year Award

Teacher of the Year Contest

Click Here
to listen to Emily Ezell, elementary school teacher from Cowan Elementary
describe how winning the National VFW Citizenship Education Teacher award changed her life.

Entry form for 2022-2023 VFW Teacher of the Year Award
Smart/Maher VFW Citizenship Education Teacher Award Page 1
Smart/Maher VFW Citizenship Education Teacher Award Page 2

Young American Patriotic Art Contest

Open to students in grades 9-12

Patriots Pen and Voice of Democracy Essay Competitions:

Patriots Pen Essay Contest
Grades 6-8
Rules and Eligibility for the Patriots Pen Essay Contest
Voice of Democracy Essay Contest
Grades 9-12

Rules and Eligibility for the Voice of Democracy Essay Contest

For a complete list of VFW Community Service Programs
please Click Here

Thank you for considering a donation!

Donations made to our Post go strictly to veterans needs, programs or community
charitable organizations we support.

VFW Post and General Links:

VFW Post 10904
Facebook Page

VFW Post 10904

VFW Post 10904

VFW National Website

Department of Tennessee VFW

Remember our Fallen Heros in Afghanistan

Photo of our 13 fallen hero's in the recent withdrawl from Afghanistan

Toy Soldier Project
(Click on the photo for a larger view of the display)
Please Click Here to explain our Toy Soldier Project.
Information on the project can be found
at the bottom of the Vietnam War Facts Website.

Facts about the Vietnam War

Coffee County Veterans Association

Coffee County TN Service Officer
Donald Purinton

American Veteran POW's Killed in Hiroshima

Pearl Harbor Day

King's Nuclear Weapons Fascinating Facts

VFW Post 10904
Vietnam-Era Veterans Honors Dinner

Veterans Killed in Vietnam From Coffee County - Tennessee

Vietnam-Era Honors Dinner Video; 28 March 2019

Vietnam-Era Honors Day at Manchester Square - March 2018

Filmed by Lamar Wilkie, Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Navy - Retired

Honor Flight of Middle Tennessee

Coffee County Wreaths Across America Facebook Page

New Veterans ID Card

Thank You to our Super Sponsors!

Website and Contact Information:

For information on the VFW Post 10904
please contact:

Kimberly King
Commander, VFW Post 10904
2658 Gap Road; Altamont, TN 37301
Phone: 251-554-8836

Please email me your questions, comments
or information pertaining to our Post.
Happy to serve!

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