Old Stone Fort - Manchester, TN
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war,
no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars
were treated and appreciated by their nation."
~ President George Washington
David King - President
Barbara Gibbs - Sr. Vice President
Marian Harris - Chaplain
Linda Rollins - Secretary
Margie Gerard
Margaret Stillings - Treasurer
VFW Post 10904 District Meeting
Shannon Benton - Former Post Auxiliary Commander
Please Join Us!
1. Please click on the form below
2. Print the form on your computer
3. Mail to:
David King
President VFW Post 10904 Auxiliary
2658 Gap Road
Altamont, TN 37301
Or scan and email to:
David King
President, VFW Post 10904 Auxiliary
For information on the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 10904, please contact:
Kimberly King
Commander, VFW Post 10904
Website Editor
Please email me your question, comment, or suggestion for this website.
Important Links:
This site has been updated 16 July 2018
This Page Has Been Visited Times.